As long as the public keeps looking for a "quick fix" to what ails 'em...pharma will only get MORE HUGE. Natural treatments and integrated medicine are the way I have chosen to treat physical issues in my body....takes longer but it is curative and doesn't have nasty side effects. I'm in the minority, sad to say. Perhaps RFK, Jr. will have some success to 'reprograming' the public to look within and make necessary lifestyle changes and consult with naturopaths or holistic MD's instead of running to take the 'latest and greatest' magic medication plugged by huge pharma/MSM in these 'feel good' adverts that are blaring at us all night long on the TV and computer!! That's my hope anyway.

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I agree... I'm focused on holistic/consciousness-modalities of healing. RFK is facing huge challenges/resistances/power - he needs an equal/greater show of support from government and the people.

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These are the same pricks who never took the same poison that they promoted.

They are hoping to do it again.

Members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) have unveiled plans for permanently mass-vaccinating the general public “every six months” with “long-acting” mRNA “vaccines” as part of an alleged effort to supposedly tackle multiple diseases.

During panel discussions at this week’s annual WEF meeting in Davos, Switzerland, globalists have been laying out plans for tech-driven precision medicine, “long-acting injectables,” “climate-sensitive” vaccines, and mRNA therapeutics for non-communicable diseases.

Who will rid us of these pests?

WEF Demands General Public Mass-Vaccinated 'Every 6 Months' with 'Long-Acting' mRNA Injections - Slay News


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The permicious fraud and extortion of the entire 'legal' system made

clear by a retired Judge; and how to remove yourself from this criminal


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How do you rid yourself of these "pests" - by supporting medical FREEDOM activist groups and clearing out your medicine cabinet of ALL prescription meds and returning to natural homeopathic medicaments. The only reason we are in this 'pickle of pests' is because WE THE PEOPLE are mind-numbed by carrying around a propaganda 'device' all throughout the day and night (i.e., the "smart"phone mania). TURN OFF the online madness for most of your life and actually use your own brain power instead of feeding from the "mass media mania".

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Yes indeed the gnostic libraries offer much insight https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6SrRiFp3KAY

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Consolidation fund explained I have my doubts these figures even correct. My bet out of this 33% in tribute to Rome.


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Excellent well laid out research, I've added this to my online library, thank you!

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You’re welcome… Great, my focus is to contribute insight/research to see past the corruption and highlight new perspectives - thanks for the feedback.

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This collection has been sorely needed!

Added to my article today:


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I don't get it. WHY isn't there c massive CLASS ACTION suit against ALL the bad actors, big enough to put every larcenous one of them out of business?

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Big pharma holds immense power through financial/political influence to block accountability. $$ legal system prevents change. Public still buying MSM narratives b/c they make huge $$ from pharma... maybe when enough powerful people are affected... or when the world wakes up to the truth and marches on the industry... Inevitable it's always "the people" who choose what they want, and they still think pharma is medicine that needs to be protected from liability for the sake of more medicine - it's a paradox that is breaking apart now. A lot of people died in this WHO/MSM-induced pandemic.

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Because nobody has gotten it started. You could start it. But you don't, why? How is it going to start? I'll just add a class action suit is maintaining the status quo and all the courts are just as depraved.

We need to think for ourselves now. What do we do in this situation - where every institution we've depended on is as evil as sin? Not that I believe in evil, I believe it's an energy. And we are feeding it all the time while we use its medium of contamination - bank-issued money. Not that we can get off it too much but we need to start getting off it. The important thing is that we head in the right direction - weaning off the system. And when we start this path, we will seek alternatives to fill that void.

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There aren't lawsuits because the judges are vaxxed, the lawyers are vaxxed and the prosecutors are vaxxed. No one wants to look at the elephant in the room and admit "I have shortened my lifespan." So they look away, and things just keep getting worse.

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@shibumi - - You raise an interesting question - - . You assume judges, lawyers, prosecutors, and (I assume) all members of Congress, Generals Miley and Austin, the CDC, FDA, all employees of Big Pharma, are not only vaxxed, but 'up-o-date' on all their "boosters".

How many lies has Fauci been caught in? It is suspected by more than a few experts that somewhere in his career he may have 'become aware' there were a few risks associated with mRNA therapy - - so - - are all HIS "boosters" up to date?

Nothing like a close family member being diagnosed with "acute mRNA poisoning" in multiple vital organs to give meaning to the question you pose; "Have I shortened my lifespan? That of my children?"

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MadChimp - the reason no one has been arrested, etc IS because, our government has made it legal to murder their subjects - (We The People)


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I think it's waaaay past time we brought these monsters DOWN. Shut down the entire operation, because it's KILLING MILLIONS. Not just vaxxes, but allopathic medicine, gnerally. We DON'T NEED it. It's a thorn in our collective eye.

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I see it unfolding like this: The first cracks show (now and growing) when whistleblowers and leaks stir up doubt. As more attention grows, tension rises within the industry, and things start to get shaky behind the scenes. The truth starts hitting hard and proof of corruption comes to light, sparking a huge public uproar. The system starts to crumble, key figures flee, lawsuits pour in, and the company’s stock takes a nosedive. Governments can’t ignore it anymore and new regulations start to take shape, holding everyone accountable.

There’s resistance from the old guard, but the pressure for change keeps building. New alternatives (decentralized - many modalities) rise up, and the old players begin to fade away. Slowly but surely (5-10 yrs max), a more ethical, sustainable healthcare system starts to emerge, based on physics; not chemistry, which is dark age medicine.

Eventually, the old ways are gone, replaced by a system that values people over profit, which in fact are one and the same, because healthy people create stronger economies... This this the tech: https://talknet.substack.com/p/unlocking-multidimensional-energy

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Yeah, I can see you have a sense of it-- I don't see it quite like that. Govt's are complicit. This is not a company but a trillion-dollar cabal of companies that don't give one shit about anything but money. The govt's have been ignoring it for decades, and decades. It's part of the Globalist, Corporatist Cult of Evil. This has been going on for a long, long time, and the Medical Industrial Complex is a MAFIA, and will not go quietly. They are extremely powerful, and hold TRILLIONS with which to batter us...

What I do agree with is that the PEOPLE will begin to realize how very very unhealthy allopathic medicine actually IS, and all this vaccine hell will exacerbate that. But that may be sooner than expected, since due to the Covid Fraud, new kind of treatments and alternatives are coming to the rescue. We're going to see a turn... and when the BANKS start stomping our necks, the whole Corporatist Bondage Program will begin to be torn down. I think it will be a Big Hell Awakening that will expose the myriad of lesser hells, throwing open the door for the People to turn to TRUE healing, and not just physical healing. We live in interesting times!

It's my hope that I'll still be alive to see the Corporate World come crashing down, a return to natural, healthy ways of living, and a New Paradigm, like the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius! will begin. I'm hoping for that.

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If you are around in 5-10 years, you’ll see it. What was hidden for a very long time, is finally being exposed. What was in control is losing control, or we wouldn’t see it progress as we are. Centralized industry is dying; information control is broken, decentralization/community is coming online and people are “waking up”…

This is a more detailed perspective. For now, you have to look for it to see it.. People will see whatever they are focused on… This is what I see… Not everyone sees this, of course: https://talknet.substack.com/p/fall-of-globalism-rise-of-sovereignty

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I think you’re right, but I also think it’s going to take a while before we see Serious Change… but it could be faster than I think! That would be GREAT.

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It’s pushing people to find some detachment from the drama or drawing them into fear - it’s multidimensional - there is no one truth or one outcome… Probabilities reflect state of being (collapsing the wave). Everyone gets to choose for themselves what experience and path they will take. It’s the physics of consciousness take on things - speaks to the polarity of two overlapping realities on the table - globally.

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I do think that there is a rather large "wave" of people understanding that spirituality is a key component of all this, being part of a conceptual Love, however we choose to thing of that-- religion, spirituality, connection, political freedom, personal freedom, the end to warfare, etc etc etc Seems we do have some commonality there, and hopefully, that will be the key element, because it's the Key Element, in my view.

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Yes, indeed.

And I might even be persuaded that there are multiple overlapping realities, globally!

I'm glad you are still willing to chat... so many folks just knee-jerk themselves right out of any conversation for the slightest "disagreement"-- which is really kind of strange, since most of us don't stumble upon others who exactly mirror our own ideas. Cheers.

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PS: I’ve been watching this shit for decades, so don’t assume I’m ignorant, k.

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It just seems to me very very unlikely, and I just posted a link to a commentary on "Judging Freedom" with Scott Ritter talking about how Trump is just gonna clean up the Deep State and clean up the govt and clean up everything... After three weeks, he seems very sure. Feels like BULLSHIT to me. Feels like sweet talk before the hammer. The Deep State is vast, embedded, there is so. much. money. in all this corporatocracy, and Trump is just gonna sweep it all up? Nah. I think the shit is gonna hit the fan, and probably very soon. Bank fuckery, food fuckery, all kinds of fuckery gonna come down on us. I hope I'm wrong, but I just can't see it being so easily undone, this plan that has been decades, even CENTURIES in the making.

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There are many books relating to this subject matter ..”Anatomy Of An Epidemic,” by Robert Whitaker, “The Zyprexa Papers,” by Jim Gottstein, Esq., “Drug Induced Dementia: A Perfect Crime,” by Dr. Grace E. Jackson, M.D., dedicated to Jim Gottstein, Esq., founder of the “Law Project for Psychiatric Rights,” and tireless opponent of the “Pharmacaust.” ……….And the Lord said to Cain: “Where is your brother?” And he said: “I know not … Am I my brother’s keeper?” And He said: “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries unto me from the ground.” Genesis 4: 9, 10

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The next step in the process may very well be: "Yes, the vaxxes shortened your life, but that's a GOOD THING. The elderly consume resources and do not contribute, so you did the right thing by shortening your lifespan. You are a hero for dying before your time."

The sad thing is that I can see some liberals buying that logic.

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I know two people who are dead because their wives insisted they trust their oncologists.

Here's the simple explanation: people want "experts" to tell them what to do to make them all better so they don't have to take any responsibility for their own health or their own actions. Even if it means dying.

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The base line is that some (About half) of the people live in fear and survival mentality and can’t see the bigger picture. The other half are more compassionate (higher level of awareness) so they can see a bigger spectrum of reality - they operate from a higher level of emotional balance/awareness - it’s a hive mind (globalism) vs self-aware - sovereignty. Definitively… all decisions are made from fear, for most people… some from neutrality and some from mastery - awake/aware of the nature of reality, seeing it as a reflection of their state of being - as within-so without - above/below… This intensity is helping people wake up or fall deeper asleep - hence the intensifying global polarity and divergence of consciousness playing out now.

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A long but interesting story I think.

I have a friend-- over 65, well off-- who is vaxxed. When it came out that it wouldn't stop you from getting CV19, I pointed that out to him. In all honesty, he said he doesn't remember them ever promising that it would stop you from getting sick, just from being hospitalized and dying. I told him I could send him videos; he believed me, but honestly, his brain just overwrote what had been said and accepted the new talking points. Weird.

Fast forward to a few months ago. I asked him about his boosters and such. Out of nowhere he was somewhat hostile and said he's not getting any more CV shots or any other vaxxines. He is done with it. BTW, he's republican, so I don't think it's a red/blue thing.

I have no idea what has happened unconsciously with his brain; I'm pretty sure I'm the only un-injected person he knows, but now he's suddenly on the "no more" team.

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Reality is bigger than 99+% of the population knows/understands... It definitively is multidimensional, with overlapping levels of awareness (based on a shared spectrum of awareness that is in separation now), causing a lot of polarity and fear - globally. People are all over the place right now and what you are saying/experiencing fits with what's unfolding - par for the course so to speak... The best place to operate from is a position of detached neutrality (in the now) and simply allow it to play out... It's a self-solving "problem", which is actually a divergence of consciousness... And you seem to be doing exactly that - You sound aware, but not emotionally intense - more curious I think. Part of this divergence is the falling away of what is not in coherence or that doesn't share a spectrum of truth/belief. So we go with the flow... not unlike the Hopi/Mayan/Lakota and others, that discussed this divergence happening at this time. This is an evolutionary shift of humanity that not all make... Some graduate to the next stage/school; some take a different path and this divergence is one of totality - The polarity doesn't come back together - it's parts ways and that is what is confusing people who are waiting signs of one side or the other winning/losing, finding middle ground - so letting go is inevitable - in fear or allowance.

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Wait, are we talking about pharmaceutical companies or the mafia? It's hard to tell the difference.

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I agree!

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Hey now, please don't paint every mafia syndicate with the same brush, Un-silent. The Sabatini's are on our side:

The Sabatini Family Protection Agency Specializes in Retaliatory Coincidences Call Today: https://old.bitchute.com/video/MV966py8sovs/

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That was hilarious, thank you.

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A most excellent article! The truth must continue; you have done a fantastic job spreading the word. The exact Big Pharma, I imagine, are the same who make the chemicals and spray the stratosphere and poison humanity. These are the enemies of life! It is so unfortunate that so many people are blind to truth, which no doubt are the results of the chemicals and propaganda spread by the corporate media paid by Big Pharma...

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Thanks - From what I've seen in my research, it looks like it's all connected, right into the food supply chain. It's not hidden, especially when looking at the regulators of centralized industry. The cure is decentralization, community, sovereignty, which is finally happening as old systems self-expose under the weight of corruption and unsustainable growth, inspiring/supporting decentralized options that are rising up, from home school to alt everything, supported by blockchain/open source/crowd funding/global polarity, and instant global communication between everyone for transparency - no more secrets!

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In China 5 executed publicly for knowingly substituting Melamine into baby formula to artificially boost protein levels.

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In an age of instant global communication between everyone, there are no more secrets, so I suspect all the corruption across all industries will soon be exposed… and those responsible, who don’t have the $$ to buy their way to safety, will face justice… by then, the courts will not be staffed with corrupt judges. Next 5 years will be telling… Next 10 years will be a new landscape of transparency and integrity. Lawyers will be very busy.

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We rarely see jail time for these scandals but plenty of inquiries & Royal Commissions. It’s a veritable “Lawyers Picnic” Most of our politicians are lawyers, you are no doubt aware. The whole system is

“at their service”

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I agree... and I agree it doesn't look good at all right now... but I think the people rise up this time - globally - and the old systems break/decentraize. Tables turn for lawyers to take on deep-rooted corruption... It's dangerous to take on the system, because the system decides who gets to be a change-maker and who gets run out of town, so to speak. 2025-2030 will see this new paradigm come to light and by 2030 it will look very different. By the end of the year, we will have new insight. Two paths are unfolding.

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Thank you for this effort! It shows what's been overseeing our health for so long. Sobering

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You’re welcome, thanks… yes, it is very sobering when it becomes undeniable…

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"It’s almost unbelievable that no murder charges have ever been filed against Big Pharma, despite the overwhelming evidence of corporate misconduct that has directly led to thousands of deaths."

Thousands of deaths.

Try 17,000,000 and counting.

EarthNewspaper.com has the largest archive of COVID-19 articles,

news stories, and videos online, with over 8,000 posts, and growing.


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I tend to quote the numbers given in “peer reviewed” research for those who are still mired in the MSM/pharma BS - I posted my thoughts on the COV-2 Vaxx deaths, linked at the end of that article… In short, it’s a billion+ lost, headed to 3B total populatio, from sudden death, cancer, Prions, VAIDS and infertility mostly. https://talknet.substack.com/p/global-population-trend-to-3b-by

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I'm struggling with the same question - - . Let tobacco be your guide - - very difficult to PROVE deliberate murder beyond a reasonable doubt - - although there are a few things about Covid that make it easier and harder - - easier because it was administered under duress - - harder because you are talking about a criminal charge - -

BURY the bad actors in civil suits, where preponderance of evidence will force a ruling - - go for "wrongful death, pain and suffering, mal-practice. There is more than enough evidence to bankrupt the whole mess of them - - - Where is the massive, gargantuan, class action suite against Fauci, Pfizer, Moderna, and every employer , school and Govt. Agency who FIRED people who refused to ingest poison??

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I don't know the exact unfolding, but big pharma falls - In 5 years the writing will be on the wall, and in the media/news; until then, what happens is whatever it takes to get there: Exposure after exposure, law/policy changes, lawsuit after lawsuit, attack after attack.

The future is decentralized medicine, based on physics (source repair); not chemistry (side effects).

It's based on this this tech, which won't come from big pharma or big tech: Unlocking Multidimensional Energy: https://talknet.substack.com/p/unlocking-multidimensional-energy

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They talk of mrna that can cure each individual's cancer. They also would like to implant us with devices that can read our vitals (and so much more). :/

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Pharma has a lot of people believing that sometime in the late 1700s, evolution decided to jump backwards in an instant devolution of the immune system, when a brave young “Dr”, Edward Jenner, a surgeon by trade, compensated for mother nature/biology by injecting kids with infected cow pus, calling it a vaccine for smallpox, establishing one of the most profitable industries on the planet that continues to make people sick for profit, when what should have been suspected was the lead and arsenic commonly used in household items, medicines, and pesticides, at that time.

This is a good time for the corruption to be exposed, while avoiding more big-pharma “solutions”, considering what we’ve learned in the last few years.

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