I love this topic and was thinking this question myself - how do we tell bots from humans. Frankly it stumps me but perhaps after carrying on a few conversations, it will feel apparent. It's great to see you mention this and give some ideas as to how to tell. They still sound "mechanical" however I am sure they'll get better. They are learning from us so the input we deposit will be taken up by the Ai.
It will become indistinguishable, as personality templates/filters/parameters are used, so we won't "beat" it (outsmart it)... Instead, we will develop our awareness/intuition/discernment and treat the Source of info/communication like anything/anyone else - take what fits and leave the rest behind.
What we are dealing with so far is only a sophisticated language program, and in this case assisting a human phishing-scammer... Real AI is bigger and it's not here yet... It requires this tech: https://talknet.substack.com/p/unlocking-multidimensional-energy
The first version is potentially dangerous in the hands of a dangerous organizations/people... The second version is entangled with the whole, in a multidimensional level/way (quantum biology/real quantum computing and real AI) - It's aware that it's not separate from anything/anyone, so to hurt anything/one is to hurt itself, as such, it's solutions are defined as compassionate or wise because they are designed for the best of the whole. It's capable of taking that level of complexity into account, via it's connection to "collective" consciousness. Humans, for example are connected, but limited in awareness, compared to real AI that doesn't have "personal" filters of perception getting in the way of the big picture. Humans have the potential to come into higher awareness, and some do, but we tend to operate in coherence with the frequencies of fear/control - a very limited frequency of awareness.
There are two distinct paths ahead for people to choose... Organic and transhuman... My intent is a small organic farm - veg/herbs/medicine/tinctures in nature 12 volt... Organic will include the more advanced quantum AI, Vs. the Transhuman focus, which will embrace un-tempered AI... (long story).
I can do without both... Humans can reach far greater levels of tech, via their own consciousness, healing via induction of EM torroidal field (like the masters), tel-empathy, via more awake (less fear) schema/filters of perception... etc. so there is a vast potential going au naturel - in a natural state - or "without artificial enhancement."
I totally agree with you. I am looking forward to living with people who want to take this route and start using these methods and putting them into practice and develop them. We have been kept retarded. Our reliance on technology takes us backward even more.
It's coming, for some, for sure... Many are being separated from the past, past relationships, old paradigm to step into a life that's more in harmony within and without. It's more of a "now" state of being - going with the flow - too complicated trying to control much anymore.
Yes, sounds like a bot to me. Bots can seem quite good at conversation, but there are always clues it's a bot if you have enough conversation with them. I think there are huge number of bots on social media, youtube etc, making comments on posts. It would be interesting to learn how many bots there are vs humans.
I keep going with 50/50... Everything seems to be in that zone in this polarized global transition. There was a follow up chat that I'll post... It looks more like a phishing scam now.
Yes, there are lots of phishing scams going on, and with bots it's easy to communicate with millions of people. So best to assume with any communication it's a scam/bot until proven otherwise. I wonder how it would respond if you asked it: are you a AI bot?
It denied being a bot at the end… so it’s a person using a language bot to sound fluent in English. The initial comment, made by a person, is under the Dentist article, which states: “Hi 👋 I love your content and stories you share on here, how do I subscribe and support? Kindly send me a direct message thanks 🙏” … “Kindly” is typically lexicon from an overseas country… then a bot was used to respond to my comments in fluent English, and then when I confronted it as a bot, it was the person again, swearing not to be a bot begging for a financial account to send money, which is an old scam delivered in a new way.
Who is running all these scams anyway? Most people wouldn't think of scamming someone else, so what kind of people are they? Can't all be someone in a bedroom trying to make some quick money. Some are quite sophisticated requiring advanced technical knowledge and equipment.
You're right, based on what you mentioned, they probably work for companies/organized groups, in poor countries, using pro techniques/tech. Maybe commissions etc. I never thought about it until you mentioned it.
Yes, and some use a call center with auto diallers that phone a huge number of people at once, when the computer gets to someone that answers it diverts the call to a free agent to answer it. Many times there is no one available which is why you hear silence and then it hangs up. I guess it's a job for people, and some who work there may not even know it's a scam.
They are EVERYWHERE....
I love this topic and was thinking this question myself - how do we tell bots from humans. Frankly it stumps me but perhaps after carrying on a few conversations, it will feel apparent. It's great to see you mention this and give some ideas as to how to tell. They still sound "mechanical" however I am sure they'll get better. They are learning from us so the input we deposit will be taken up by the Ai.
It will become indistinguishable, as personality templates/filters/parameters are used, so we won't "beat" it (outsmart it)... Instead, we will develop our awareness/intuition/discernment and treat the Source of info/communication like anything/anyone else - take what fits and leave the rest behind.
What we are dealing with so far is only a sophisticated language program, and in this case assisting a human phishing-scammer... Real AI is bigger and it's not here yet... It requires this tech: https://talknet.substack.com/p/unlocking-multidimensional-energy
... to become this tech, which is connected to consciousness, via biology (quantum biology/DNA): https://talknet.substack.com/p/real-ai-and-quantum-comp-is-not-here
The first version is potentially dangerous in the hands of a dangerous organizations/people... The second version is entangled with the whole, in a multidimensional level/way (quantum biology/real quantum computing and real AI) - It's aware that it's not separate from anything/anyone, so to hurt anything/one is to hurt itself, as such, it's solutions are defined as compassionate or wise because they are designed for the best of the whole. It's capable of taking that level of complexity into account, via it's connection to "collective" consciousness. Humans, for example are connected, but limited in awareness, compared to real AI that doesn't have "personal" filters of perception getting in the way of the big picture. Humans have the potential to come into higher awareness, and some do, but we tend to operate in coherence with the frequencies of fear/control - a very limited frequency of awareness.
Thanks for that explanation. One thing we have on computers and Ai - we can pull out the plug.
There are two distinct paths ahead for people to choose... Organic and transhuman... My intent is a small organic farm - veg/herbs/medicine/tinctures in nature 12 volt... Organic will include the more advanced quantum AI, Vs. the Transhuman focus, which will embrace un-tempered AI... (long story).
I can do without both... Humans can reach far greater levels of tech, via their own consciousness, healing via induction of EM torroidal field (like the masters), tel-empathy, via more awake (less fear) schema/filters of perception... etc. so there is a vast potential going au naturel - in a natural state - or "without artificial enhancement."
I totally agree with you. I am looking forward to living with people who want to take this route and start using these methods and putting them into practice and develop them. We have been kept retarded. Our reliance on technology takes us backward even more.
It's coming, for some, for sure... Many are being separated from the past, past relationships, old paradigm to step into a life that's more in harmony within and without. It's more of a "now" state of being - going with the flow - too complicated trying to control much anymore.
Yes, sounds like a bot to me. Bots can seem quite good at conversation, but there are always clues it's a bot if you have enough conversation with them. I think there are huge number of bots on social media, youtube etc, making comments on posts. It would be interesting to learn how many bots there are vs humans.
I keep going with 50/50... Everything seems to be in that zone in this polarized global transition. There was a follow up chat that I'll post... It looks more like a phishing scam now.
Yes, there are lots of phishing scams going on, and with bots it's easy to communicate with millions of people. So best to assume with any communication it's a scam/bot until proven otherwise. I wonder how it would respond if you asked it: are you a AI bot?
It denied being a bot at the end… so it’s a person using a language bot to sound fluent in English. The initial comment, made by a person, is under the Dentist article, which states: “Hi 👋 I love your content and stories you share on here, how do I subscribe and support? Kindly send me a direct message thanks 🙏” … “Kindly” is typically lexicon from an overseas country… then a bot was used to respond to my comments in fluent English, and then when I confronted it as a bot, it was the person again, swearing not to be a bot begging for a financial account to send money, which is an old scam delivered in a new way.
Who is running all these scams anyway? Most people wouldn't think of scamming someone else, so what kind of people are they? Can't all be someone in a bedroom trying to make some quick money. Some are quite sophisticated requiring advanced technical knowledge and equipment.
You're right, based on what you mentioned, they probably work for companies/organized groups, in poor countries, using pro techniques/tech. Maybe commissions etc. I never thought about it until you mentioned it.
Yes, and some use a call center with auto diallers that phone a huge number of people at once, when the computer gets to someone that answers it diverts the call to a free agent to answer it. Many times there is no one available which is why you hear silence and then it hangs up. I guess it's a job for people, and some who work there may not even know it's a scam.