One day I may do an article on what globalists are experiencing that guarantees their failure, but it would be too metaphysical for most people.... Essentially what I call divergence of consciousness, in this global polarity, is a bifurcating reality or overlapping potential realities, or one reality with two group-perspectives (schemas) that only see a partial picture that reflects their state of being (beliefs/thoughts), thus filtering out half of the reality - And, as theses two realities/collective diverge into their own "timelines", the plans of one timeline fall to entropy in the other, because there is no coherence or focus of thought/emotion/belief on it. In other words, globalist plans are destined to fail in one timeline and not the other. It gets too woo woo for most people, where the two collectives go on in separate realities/timelines thinking they were right and they won... In other words, everyone gets what they want, but most won't realize it. For simplicity, one group dies from the vaxx and the other dies from the disease and it all looks normal as each dies off from the other's timeline - but things are not what they look like in multidimensional reality. Way too esoteric for most people, but far more interesting and accurate than simply saying the other side is crazy.... it's bigger than that.
Oh, very interesting, my friend!!! I am NEVER put off by "esoteric."
I will think about this, because while I am no way just going to dismiss it, I hadn't considered it before, not exactly this... So I shall ponder it for a time. I do believe that THIS is the email of yours that I wanted to get back to and give it due diligence, and I'm glad I did, and I see now I will want more time to think about it...
I'm ALWAYS up for thinking. ^_^
ALWAYS skeptical, at least a bit, for a time, at first.
And ALWAYS willing to jump into the pool... Cheers, and thanks!
It's a tall order... I think you have to see it to really believe it; otherwise it can only really be a consideration. I know I would never believe what I believe if I didn't see it... with an open mind it would only be a passing thought such as "that would cool" but I'll never really know... It fits with the Mandela Effect where there is a sudden change that couldn't be expected and it relates to the plans of the globalists that suddenly fail, because something shifts that they could never expect... I've seen this play out over and over again. There are subtle signs of sudden changes at the last minute, whether it's a hurricane diverting at the last min, or what could have been, simply falls apart at the last second, or something suddenly shows up and there was no way it could have been missed, but it was, such as the flooding of a city that only days later gets press, because it simply wasn't flooded yesterday - even though the residents were flooded for days... Too long to get into in detail, but the idea is that no matter what plan, it will fail or serve to further expose and weaken them...
The future can be easy to predict when you can see the bigger picture in this light: The entropy in this timeline dismantles centralized systems of control (all of them), while focus of consciousness supports the rising up of decentralized systems; everything out of integrity gets exposed and cleaned up; there are no more secrets in a world of instant global communication between everyone; new decentalized energy/generators (expensive units, but free energy) bring 3rd world in 1st; a mini ice age for the next 80 years (wood and wood stove store and warehousing to compensate for lack of ontime delivering in cold areas with long ice storms covering roads and breaking powerlines for months at a time (east America).
We are shifting to living life in the now and it gets challenging, because although we can be awake and aware of a bigger reality, we are still overlapping the old one (fear-survival paradigm)... the difference for those who woke up is that we can see the old reality without getting caught up in it's triggering drama... it can feel isolating like sitting on the bench while this transition plays out, but the reason for that is because we have to let that old reality go, which includes all things out of coherence with the frequency of those waking up... jobs, family, friends, home, business etc... we seem to only and barely have what we need and not much more, for now; not everyone, but so many of the awakened are being forced to live and trust in the now... which eventually brings that deep sense of freedom we've been looking for because we are not prisoners of a fearful tomorrow.
wow, yeah, you really have a way of telling it... It jibes with what I think, too, though I may not have been as conscious of the details as you are. So... Cool, man! We reach, as the Star Trek guy said to Spock on the show about going to Eden... I just saw a re-run of that the other day, and as usual, it reminded me of hippies, but also of the Right Now... ^_^
I keep tryn to get thru all 5 billion emails that are stacked like zombie pancakes all over my damnable email inbox, but I fail, repeatedly. I want to let you know that I value your thinkings and want to respond, so I'm keeping those emails from you, avec STARS by them so I know to read them first in the morning, and I will feel less irriatation wiff maself, and you will have responses (which might be irritating to YOU, but at least you can respond with something snide... ) I have been talking dog doo silliness to my pal Frances and so now I have no eyeballs left and what is there is on FIYAH.
Okay, so fangks, I promise I will respond, maybe irritate, maybe make you laff... tamale.
Fun, yes, and probably more often, learning stuff and then sharing it…
I have to have things to feed my brain… it’s voracious and then it engages in “play time” with acts of extreme silliness… :) This is why I’ve always allowed my Inner Dog (not Inner Child, like most normal human beings, Inner DOG, and the Inner Dog is a cartoon dog. lol). Now you know my Inner (-most) Dog secret. ;)
When I realized I was in a different timeline, suddenly, as did my wife and daughte, actually... I said to my wife, I think we have to let ourselves go all in on this and find out what it means (she agreed), which meant abandoning the safety net of what I/we thought reality was... I recall making the choice, but there was no choice. It was scary to think of the implications... It meant I was accepting that I was no longer holding onto any truths anymore... My "inner dog"/consciousness was free to roam and explore anything, anywhere, anytime, unhindered, guided by intuition alone - no leash. It was the Twilight Zone for a few years, isolated from society, extended family, friends, work etc... living on the road for about 100K miles just exploring what happened and trying to find a new balance between two paradigms ultimately. Ten years later, I seem to have found a steady neutral, depolarized and living in the now - it's passion-free too, which took a long time to adjust to, but inevitable passion, just like polarized love (love being the quiet part), were driving factors of a soul plan for learning... to wake up, but once awake, it's a very different game/stage. There are no diving forces - it seems rather than chasing life... it comes to you... eventually - it's more of a life lived in allowance, but this comes with the realization that considering there are many timelines, what others think and do, does not lock us into their choices/reality etc... unless we attach to the fear of that idea... so what the masters taught makes more sense in a multidimensional paradigm where what matters is what we hold to be truth within (as within, so without) harmony within leads to an exploration in that frequency, which takes us to the idea that we are our own teachers, by the focus of our consciousness and state of being - beliefs, thoughts, emotions. As you can see this is a long story, but it's so "out there" that until people see it or science can capture it, fear will tend to be the focus for most - survival mentality. I'm still bouncing between both states of being, so it's one thing to know the the bigger picture, but it take time to really "know" it and put it to work with total faith.... because that is what is it takes to walk the new path... self-mastery!
Right on. I would LOVE to be able to simply buy a vehicle big enough to comfortably live in it, but not TOO big, so to be a lumbering biggo buffalo of a thing... Something I could stretch out in and sleep comfortably, and have space for a small cooking spot, portable potty, and space for a table and a few books... a caravan, maybe... Something like that. But I am verging on Bone Poor, so I just am in a kind of itinerancy, which is pretty great, except I can't easily access the stuff I have in storage... So it's a kind of limbo in one way, but a "lightness of being" in another way. There was a certain freedom I found when I lived in my car (four months)... It was kinda great! I didn't relish the lack of easy toileting, but I worked that out, pretty much, and the only thing that was uncomfortable was feeling sort of SPOTTABLE, and a target, because to have privacy at night, I had obvious signs that I was sleeping in the car, which made me feel sort of vulnerable. I never had any trouble, but I would have preferred a bit bigger of a vehicle, and a dog with me. I had a bat with me, but not the animal kind. I would still LOVE to have that vehicle to just travel around the country and live in it, but I'd get rid of the storage unit, which would be hard, giving up the little bit of stuff I've kept from my former life. I miss having that stuff. ;)
And btw, if you want to whisker in my ear any secrets of the gnome universe, I'll give you my email, which be on my page, too. I donut get embarrassed too easily.
Thanks - I can address anything here; it gives others the opportunity to find insight if they happen on it... I'm an open book... I think I have to be for this exploration. Not much ego/pride left after this journey, echos maybe, but not much :)
Yeah, I'm cool with that, too. Some peeps are afraid to be "out there" with certain things. I donut care. Because I know they're spying on us, all the time, and I just donut care. lol
I’ll chat about anything, I think, but I still use an old Linux laptop, with elect tape over the camera and mic :) My daughter uses an iphone, so Apple has us under surveillance 24/7 anyway.
Me, too, pretty much. I, too have a laptop with camera/mic covered up, and I took a free cell phone because I felt I wasn't getting enough radiation, oooh, that pulsing kind is so lovely... Ha. No, for possible WORK. But one day I plan to ritually kill it. These fucking satellites can surveil us 24/7 as well, so FUCK THEM, I just don't bother trying to outsmart them. I can flee PDQ, but... ugh. Would it matter? Maybe.
Well done, Gryffindor! Beautifully said.
We have SO MUCH light, we cannot lose it because of this scurrilous bunch of losers... !
We have something they cannot understand, and that is a Genuine Connection to Real Health, in the broadest possible sense! Let's go!
One day I may do an article on what globalists are experiencing that guarantees their failure, but it would be too metaphysical for most people.... Essentially what I call divergence of consciousness, in this global polarity, is a bifurcating reality or overlapping potential realities, or one reality with two group-perspectives (schemas) that only see a partial picture that reflects their state of being (beliefs/thoughts), thus filtering out half of the reality - And, as theses two realities/collective diverge into their own "timelines", the plans of one timeline fall to entropy in the other, because there is no coherence or focus of thought/emotion/belief on it. In other words, globalist plans are destined to fail in one timeline and not the other. It gets too woo woo for most people, where the two collectives go on in separate realities/timelines thinking they were right and they won... In other words, everyone gets what they want, but most won't realize it. For simplicity, one group dies from the vaxx and the other dies from the disease and it all looks normal as each dies off from the other's timeline - but things are not what they look like in multidimensional reality. Way too esoteric for most people, but far more interesting and accurate than simply saying the other side is crazy.... it's bigger than that.
Yes, I agree, it's much bigger than "they're crazy"-- but they ARE. ;)
Oh, very interesting, my friend!!! I am NEVER put off by "esoteric."
I will think about this, because while I am no way just going to dismiss it, I hadn't considered it before, not exactly this... So I shall ponder it for a time. I do believe that THIS is the email of yours that I wanted to get back to and give it due diligence, and I'm glad I did, and I see now I will want more time to think about it...
I'm ALWAYS up for thinking. ^_^
ALWAYS skeptical, at least a bit, for a time, at first.
And ALWAYS willing to jump into the pool... Cheers, and thanks!
It's a tall order... I think you have to see it to really believe it; otherwise it can only really be a consideration. I know I would never believe what I believe if I didn't see it... with an open mind it would only be a passing thought such as "that would cool" but I'll never really know... It fits with the Mandela Effect where there is a sudden change that couldn't be expected and it relates to the plans of the globalists that suddenly fail, because something shifts that they could never expect... I've seen this play out over and over again. There are subtle signs of sudden changes at the last minute, whether it's a hurricane diverting at the last min, or what could have been, simply falls apart at the last second, or something suddenly shows up and there was no way it could have been missed, but it was, such as the flooding of a city that only days later gets press, because it simply wasn't flooded yesterday - even though the residents were flooded for days... Too long to get into in detail, but the idea is that no matter what plan, it will fail or serve to further expose and weaken them...
The future can be easy to predict when you can see the bigger picture in this light: The entropy in this timeline dismantles centralized systems of control (all of them), while focus of consciousness supports the rising up of decentralized systems; everything out of integrity gets exposed and cleaned up; there are no more secrets in a world of instant global communication between everyone; new decentalized energy/generators (expensive units, but free energy) bring 3rd world in 1st; a mini ice age for the next 80 years (wood and wood stove store and warehousing to compensate for lack of ontime delivering in cold areas with long ice storms covering roads and breaking powerlines for months at a time (east America).
We are shifting to living life in the now and it gets challenging, because although we can be awake and aware of a bigger reality, we are still overlapping the old one (fear-survival paradigm)... the difference for those who woke up is that we can see the old reality without getting caught up in it's triggering drama... it can feel isolating like sitting on the bench while this transition plays out, but the reason for that is because we have to let that old reality go, which includes all things out of coherence with the frequency of those waking up... jobs, family, friends, home, business etc... we seem to only and barely have what we need and not much more, for now; not everyone, but so many of the awakened are being forced to live and trust in the now... which eventually brings that deep sense of freedom we've been looking for because we are not prisoners of a fearful tomorrow.
wow, yeah, you really have a way of telling it... It jibes with what I think, too, though I may not have been as conscious of the details as you are. So... Cool, man! We reach, as the Star Trek guy said to Spock on the show about going to Eden... I just saw a re-run of that the other day, and as usual, it reminded me of hippies, but also of the Right Now... ^_^
I keep tryn to get thru all 5 billion emails that are stacked like zombie pancakes all over my damnable email inbox, but I fail, repeatedly. I want to let you know that I value your thinkings and want to respond, so I'm keeping those emails from you, avec STARS by them so I know to read them first in the morning, and I will feel less irriatation wiff maself, and you will have responses (which might be irritating to YOU, but at least you can respond with something snide... ) I have been talking dog doo silliness to my pal Frances and so now I have no eyeballs left and what is there is on FIYAH.
Okay, so fangks, I promise I will respond, maybe irritate, maybe make you laff... tamale.
As long as you're having fun (it makes time)... it's like gold these days :)
Fun, yes, and probably more often, learning stuff and then sharing it…
I have to have things to feed my brain… it’s voracious and then it engages in “play time” with acts of extreme silliness… :) This is why I’ve always allowed my Inner Dog (not Inner Child, like most normal human beings, Inner DOG, and the Inner Dog is a cartoon dog. lol). Now you know my Inner (-most) Dog secret. ;)
When I realized I was in a different timeline, suddenly, as did my wife and daughte, actually... I said to my wife, I think we have to let ourselves go all in on this and find out what it means (she agreed), which meant abandoning the safety net of what I/we thought reality was... I recall making the choice, but there was no choice. It was scary to think of the implications... It meant I was accepting that I was no longer holding onto any truths anymore... My "inner dog"/consciousness was free to roam and explore anything, anywhere, anytime, unhindered, guided by intuition alone - no leash. It was the Twilight Zone for a few years, isolated from society, extended family, friends, work etc... living on the road for about 100K miles just exploring what happened and trying to find a new balance between two paradigms ultimately. Ten years later, I seem to have found a steady neutral, depolarized and living in the now - it's passion-free too, which took a long time to adjust to, but inevitable passion, just like polarized love (love being the quiet part), were driving factors of a soul plan for learning... to wake up, but once awake, it's a very different game/stage. There are no diving forces - it seems rather than chasing life... it comes to you... eventually - it's more of a life lived in allowance, but this comes with the realization that considering there are many timelines, what others think and do, does not lock us into their choices/reality etc... unless we attach to the fear of that idea... so what the masters taught makes more sense in a multidimensional paradigm where what matters is what we hold to be truth within (as within, so without) harmony within leads to an exploration in that frequency, which takes us to the idea that we are our own teachers, by the focus of our consciousness and state of being - beliefs, thoughts, emotions. As you can see this is a long story, but it's so "out there" that until people see it or science can capture it, fear will tend to be the focus for most - survival mentality. I'm still bouncing between both states of being, so it's one thing to know the the bigger picture, but it take time to really "know" it and put it to work with total faith.... because that is what is it takes to walk the new path... self-mastery!
Right on. I would LOVE to be able to simply buy a vehicle big enough to comfortably live in it, but not TOO big, so to be a lumbering biggo buffalo of a thing... Something I could stretch out in and sleep comfortably, and have space for a small cooking spot, portable potty, and space for a table and a few books... a caravan, maybe... Something like that. But I am verging on Bone Poor, so I just am in a kind of itinerancy, which is pretty great, except I can't easily access the stuff I have in storage... So it's a kind of limbo in one way, but a "lightness of being" in another way. There was a certain freedom I found when I lived in my car (four months)... It was kinda great! I didn't relish the lack of easy toileting, but I worked that out, pretty much, and the only thing that was uncomfortable was feeling sort of SPOTTABLE, and a target, because to have privacy at night, I had obvious signs that I was sleeping in the car, which made me feel sort of vulnerable. I never had any trouble, but I would have preferred a bit bigger of a vehicle, and a dog with me. I had a bat with me, but not the animal kind. I would still LOVE to have that vehicle to just travel around the country and live in it, but I'd get rid of the storage unit, which would be hard, giving up the little bit of stuff I've kept from my former life. I miss having that stuff. ;)
And btw, if you want to whisker in my ear any secrets of the gnome universe, I'll give you my email, which be on my page, too. I donut get embarrassed too easily.
Thanks - I can address anything here; it gives others the opportunity to find insight if they happen on it... I'm an open book... I think I have to be for this exploration. Not much ego/pride left after this journey, echos maybe, but not much :)
Yeah, I'm cool with that, too. Some peeps are afraid to be "out there" with certain things. I donut care. Because I know they're spying on us, all the time, and I just donut care. lol
I’ll chat about anything, I think, but I still use an old Linux laptop, with elect tape over the camera and mic :) My daughter uses an iphone, so Apple has us under surveillance 24/7 anyway.
Me, too, pretty much. I, too have a laptop with camera/mic covered up, and I took a free cell phone because I felt I wasn't getting enough radiation, oooh, that pulsing kind is so lovely... Ha. No, for possible WORK. But one day I plan to ritually kill it. These fucking satellites can surveil us 24/7 as well, so FUCK THEM, I just don't bother trying to outsmart them. I can flee PDQ, but... ugh. Would it matter? Maybe.