We've been kept in the dark because the CDC covered up a 1999 study where they compared fully unvaccinated with their vaccinated counterparts. What did they find? That the vaccinated group was far more sick in every metric and that SIDS was 70 percent more likely in said group:
I remember reading somewhere something about these "ingredients" in the vaxxes setting into the sexual organs and creating... SURPISE!!! ...sterility. I MEAN, do we not all know by now that the idea is to UNpopulate the Earth?
That fact alone is enough to exclude peer reviewed/pharma-funded science from research. Not sure what's more Twilight-Zone... Medical pros injecting toxins into babies or parents blindly asking for it. Autoimmune disease, get one now, everyone has one, everybody wants one; get yours today!
Right? Pretty bizarre, but only if you can see through all the propaganda and BS and see what's what, at least generally... People can't get over the fact that so many folks went for those jabs, believed the narrative, etc... But in the Five Eyes, we've been trained to think certain things about health, about medicine, about diet, disease, etc etc etc... a WORLD of stuff that is now a smoking bit of charcoal floating around, like a Star Trek planet that got blown up... The TRAINING that went on for nearly 200 years! Germ theory and vaccines are GOOD, and on and on... And now the folks who "get it," are ANGRY at the folks who are in Lizard Brain Thinking due to being terrorized, and THOSE people are ANGRY at those of us who at least understand the vaccine lie and try to save them from it, because they think WE are the LIARS.... omg. It's such a damn MESS... I want to escape it all and just REST...
Just wondered if you'd thought about switching from researching and pointing out the problems, to brainstorming solutions? The awake already know this stuff, and if the sleepers haven't woken up by now, I don't think they're likely to, in this lifetime at least. Just a thought, because I imagine life might be happier if we at some point make that switch from problem-oriented to solutions-oriented. Regardless, keep up the great work, and thanks for sharing. And do please feel free to tell me to wind my neck in if you strongly disagree with this comment. I don't mean to criticise, I'm just genuinely interested on your thoughts about this.
My work pointing out problems is backed by evidence that proves these issues exist, which is the first step in gaining traction to address them, both generally and in court. I posted about the new energy system that's coming and what’s involved; nobody knows about it yet, but I provided the insight. I have the details for moving forward with this new system, but it has gone unnoticed so far. I’ve also addressed quantum physics mysteries to understand the nature of reality; this is a major problem solver when understood; it changes everything. I’ve presented insights on creating real AI and solving quantum computing problems related to data errors.
It’s just too soon for most people and industries to move beyond the old paradigm, maybe soon, though. The solutions are already unfolding as corruption self-exposes, the global dynamic shifts, and decentralized systems naturally rise to replace centralized systems of control, which I’ve also posted about many times.
More people need to wake up/vibe up to recognize the solutions I’ve presented. I’ve addressed everything. If you look through my posts, they are concise, to the point, and filled with real answers and original insight.
I’ve also discussed how to manage this global transition, regarding the global polarity, what it’s about, what’s causing it, and what’s to come. Now, I just post whatever comes up in my thoughts from day to day. I’ve been doing this for eight years, for free. This Substack is the latest of my work... more refined and easier to read. You can start here, if you’re interested:
Significant shifts in global governance, national sovereignty, and individual freedoms.
I think a LOT of folks who think they "know" all the facts, in fact, don't. There's a lot of very detailed stuff in these here posties... And I've been on this wagon since waaaaaay back there, and it's good to see it all, with citation, and so on... cheers.
obviously vaccines destroy the inborn immune system creating big pharma customers for life.
This is good, I'm spreading it around.
Thanks! Here's the granddaddy of them all:
We've been kept in the dark because the CDC covered up a 1999 study where they compared fully unvaccinated with their vaccinated counterparts. What did they find? That the vaccinated group was far more sick in every metric and that SIDS was 70 percent more likely in said group:
Report on findings Part 1: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/government-corruption/fully-vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated/
Report on findings Part 2: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/government-corruption/fully-vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated-part-2/
Archived report on findings part 1: https://archive.is/yfo0k
Archived report on findings part 2: https://archive.is/evUwY
Extracted sources: https://tritorch.com/degradation/%20CDC1999StudyUnvaccinatedChildenAreWayHealtheriAndDieALotLessThanVaccinatedChildren/
The CDC claims this study never existed. It did. This is among the biggest crimes of the century.
Great!... I appreciate your comment - An article on TALKnet was recently picked up by RENSE.com, so more people than usual will see it.
Nice! Which article?
Deagel's Population Collapse - What we know so far is that we seem to be heading There
I remember reading somewhere something about these "ingredients" in the vaxxes setting into the sexual organs and creating... SURPISE!!! ...sterility. I MEAN, do we not all know by now that the idea is to UNpopulate the Earth?
That fact alone is enough to exclude peer reviewed/pharma-funded science from research. Not sure what's more Twilight-Zone... Medical pros injecting toxins into babies or parents blindly asking for it. Autoimmune disease, get one now, everyone has one, everybody wants one; get yours today!
Right? Pretty bizarre, but only if you can see through all the propaganda and BS and see what's what, at least generally... People can't get over the fact that so many folks went for those jabs, believed the narrative, etc... But in the Five Eyes, we've been trained to think certain things about health, about medicine, about diet, disease, etc etc etc... a WORLD of stuff that is now a smoking bit of charcoal floating around, like a Star Trek planet that got blown up... The TRAINING that went on for nearly 200 years! Germ theory and vaccines are GOOD, and on and on... And now the folks who "get it," are ANGRY at the folks who are in Lizard Brain Thinking due to being terrorized, and THOSE people are ANGRY at those of us who at least understand the vaccine lie and try to save them from it, because they think WE are the LIARS.... omg. It's such a damn MESS... I want to escape it all and just REST...
Just being rhetorical, not angry at any of you guys! lol In case I sound snarky or... !!
Just wondered if you'd thought about switching from researching and pointing out the problems, to brainstorming solutions? The awake already know this stuff, and if the sleepers haven't woken up by now, I don't think they're likely to, in this lifetime at least. Just a thought, because I imagine life might be happier if we at some point make that switch from problem-oriented to solutions-oriented. Regardless, keep up the great work, and thanks for sharing. And do please feel free to tell me to wind my neck in if you strongly disagree with this comment. I don't mean to criticise, I'm just genuinely interested on your thoughts about this.
My work pointing out problems is backed by evidence that proves these issues exist, which is the first step in gaining traction to address them, both generally and in court. I posted about the new energy system that's coming and what’s involved; nobody knows about it yet, but I provided the insight. I have the details for moving forward with this new system, but it has gone unnoticed so far. I’ve also addressed quantum physics mysteries to understand the nature of reality; this is a major problem solver when understood; it changes everything. I’ve presented insights on creating real AI and solving quantum computing problems related to data errors.
It’s just too soon for most people and industries to move beyond the old paradigm, maybe soon, though. The solutions are already unfolding as corruption self-exposes, the global dynamic shifts, and decentralized systems naturally rise to replace centralized systems of control, which I’ve also posted about many times.
More people need to wake up/vibe up to recognize the solutions I’ve presented. I’ve addressed everything. If you look through my posts, they are concise, to the point, and filled with real answers and original insight.
I’ve also discussed how to manage this global transition, regarding the global polarity, what it’s about, what’s causing it, and what’s to come. Now, I just post whatever comes up in my thoughts from day to day. I’ve been doing this for eight years, for free. This Substack is the latest of my work... more refined and easier to read. You can start here, if you’re interested:
Significant shifts in global governance, national sovereignty, and individual freedoms.
- https://talknet.substack.com/p/the-people-vs-globalists-who-wins
Unlocking Multidimensional Energy
- https://talknet.substack.com/p/unlocking-multidimensional-energy
Keep going. And THANKS!!!!
I think a LOT of folks who think they "know" all the facts, in fact, don't. There's a lot of very detailed stuff in these here posties... And I've been on this wagon since waaaaaay back there, and it's good to see it all, with citation, and so on... cheers.