The cold is the cure

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I haven’t had a cold or the flu in longer than I can possibly recall – 25-30 years maybe a couple of times and so mild that I didn’t skip a beat.

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Same for my wife - higher frequency and higher body temperature by about 1 degree all the time… I haven’t had one for years, but forget how long… I had four or five in a row when I was shifting into higher awareness - the 3D-5D thing back in 2014 or 2015.

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Interesting-my normal body temperature has always hover around 98.2 to 98.4. But then I have always been accused of being a little cold lol! And I wonder if I stopped getting sick back when I started really figuring out that nothing was what it seemed. And as a child, I never really fit in or felt this reality was solid. I would still participate in that reality, but it never resonated. My true awakening or should I say when I came out of the spiritual closet was when I started watching videos like yours, Kryon, Bentino Massaro etc. and unfortunately, I could never use being sick as an excuse to get out of anything! I think the last time I remember being full on sick was 911 and I was so sick that day I couldn’t get out of the bed when my friend texted me about the twin towers crashing. And as sick as I was, my first thought was how the fuck does an airplane explode a concrete and steel tower! But there are other pains in my life like my back needing another surgery and feeling like I shouldn’t do it this time. But it’s getting harder to stand upright now, and I can feel it with my hand that stuff is broken. 😬

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9/11 was a big divergence of consciousness, I remember the transition and etheric feeling of being spaced out and disconnected from the timeline as it was playing out... you would have shifted/diverged from the other more dystopian-destined timeline, too, and re-calibrated (vibed up) your frequency to come into/maintain coherence with the new frequencies. I don't recall if I was sick at that time... I don't think so, but I was in top shape at university, exercising and too broke to do anything unhealthy/toxic - just studying, eating a minimal but healthy diet - the good ol' days :)

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