Very thought provoking, I will need to take my time to absorb the information provided, there is so much and I'm certainly no academic.
In regards to seasonal colds and Flu's, couldn't contaminants rise higher due to hotter weather as in hot air rises during summer months and lowering in the winter months due to cold air.
Professor Ted Steele talks about cosmic in falls as in contaminants from space entering earths atmosphere and then getting caught up in jet streams traveling around he globe which would then rise and fall due to air temperature I suspect.
Just a thought, my mind is certainly open to many more possibilities these days.
Yes, seasonal changes and temperature fluctuations could affect how contaminants disperse or concentrate in different regions, and depending on the toxin could trigger cellular detox.
Thank you for your comprehensive, well researched subject/topic. Most appreciated.
I thought I had thoroughly researched the causes of Polio, caused by DDT poisoning as well as toxic/poisonous Polio Jabs. It was noted across many countries that finally banned DDT that Polio outbreaks subsided.
Humans bodily and mental functions are so synchronised to earth, solar and galaxy activities; yet this has never been taught in schools.
I agree. EMF triggers the detox process when we've been exposed to toxins like DDT and vaccines. We also accumulate toxins from living in a polluted world with toxin-producing industries. Seasonal EMF shifts and new EMF technologies directly affect our biology - cells/DNA - which must recalibrate to these changes and shifts in angular momentum. This is why people who were boosted 'caught' a new flu; it was their body attempting to detox from toxic boosters, while the rollout of 5G introduced a new environmental EMF that amplified the problem."As I recall, the spread pattern of COV-2 followed that of 5G.
This is very interesting and very well researched. As a 57-yo Biochemical Engineer myself, I was having a hard time wrapping my head around the “no virus” theory, but the exosomes hypothesis makes so much sense. Still having a hard time wrapping my head around the no virus theory for other illnesses, such as chickenpox and herpes simplex, for example, as I witnessed direct contagion by sharing of water glass from one of my sons to the other in the case of chickenpox, and of herpes simplex causing “cold sores” to my son from his grandmother by a kiss. If this were caused by exosomes and EMF shifts, wouldn’t all family members have contracted the disease? They have such distinct symptoms that it is hard to confuse them with other illnesses. Has your research pointed to disproving the virus theory in these specific cases? Honest questions here.
Thanks, It’s great to see more people opening up to new perspectives/paradigms. It’s hard to let go of the “safe”, established definitions in/of reality, but it’s happening across the board now.
Hearing Dr Mike Yeadon talk re virus & germ is opening my mind to other combined effects on the body. Idk re denouncing germs & virus, but are we conditioned that this is the biology? I do not have a science background so I really do not know.
I am open to listening to these different viewpoints. But injecting or being exposed to chemicals & then adding other (5G, etc),it seems plausible they could amplify the body’s state of discontent or dis-ease.
You mention Dr. Luc Montagnier, known for his work on HIV, but you don’t deny contagion, right? In other words, those who use dirty HIV needles or have sex with someone carrying HIV/Aids,syphilis, etc can transfer something that creates body ills, right?
Bacteria undeniably exist, but no isolated virus has been found, as mainstream medicine suggests. Dr. Luc Montagnier, Nobel laureate for his work on HIV, proposed that the body’s immune system may react to environmental stressors by expelling toxins through a natural detox process, leading to symptoms that resemble a "viral infection." If terrain theory is correct, as Dr. Cowan argues, diseases like AIDS, herpes, and COVID-19 could be the body’s response to toxins or stress, rather than caused by viruses. Instead of viral contagion, these conditions represent detoxification processes triggered by environmental factors like chemicals, EMF, or vaccines. Dr Mike Yeadon happened to read this one and gave it a like, so it fits with your sources.
Here's some insight on HIV specifically:
My head is spinning:). So one could say that maybe some of those propagating the term virus do so to deflect from what is really causing bod ills?
If Montagnier accepted no virus, he did not deny that one could give diseases to another via needles or sex, tho, correct? Contagions exist, no?
Listening a wee bit now with Daniel Roytas via Dr Cowan & I’m not sure re his assessment of parasites. By people more learned than me, parasites have been shown to be very destructive, creating biolfilm, substances that create a plaque-like sustance restricting bloodflow which can create a whole lot of body issues.
I worry too, that when we attach words like detox or stress or inflammatory response—all real - that these words can dilute the conversation of malfeasance. As in blame the patient for whatever “autoimmune” rather than the contaminants chemically induced, bioweapon, what-have-u that are destroying bodies.
I am going to watch more of Dr Cowan (wasn’t he involved with Lyme patients at one time?). Thanks for taking the time. One more bunny hole to go down! :)
Yes, there’s a lot of misdirection aimed at promoting big pharma’s virus hypothesis, driven by big money. In my view, bacteria, environmental toxins, and EMF are the true sources of disease, while lack of sunlight and exercise weaken the immune system. Ultimately, I align with Dr. Tom Cowan's research and insights on these topics.
Humans have been evolving for a long time and are naturally resilient, but we weaken ourselves when we poison our bodies. While we can be exposed to toxins, radiation, and bacteria through ingestion or injection, the concept of humans spreading viruses or diseases seems to be more about fear-driven propaganda for profit and control, in my view. In short, what is often labeled as viral-induced diseases likely have other causes.
I don't fear "catching" a disease from others, though I'm not a medical expert. Instead, I trust my intuition, follow alternative scientific perspectives, and recognize how the big pharmaceutical industry operates, often keeping people sick for profit from cradle to grave.
Just in case you're out there and you're suffering because you did get the mnra shot or the Pfizer shot, please look into Dr. Yearden research on nicotine! And on low dose naltrexone. I have been suffering for 2 years and I think I'm getting a little better using these interesting"" natural"" inexpensive big pharma medication. The LDN is much cheaper than the vaccine that's supposed to help people that got the vaccine which is totally stupidity! I will not trust big pharma to give me an answer at this point! I have been gaslighted by the 14 doctors than the last 2 years! Vitamin C vitamin E. Vitamin D3, zinc and amino acids , ivermectin, hydrochloroquine, I'm sure there's other things out they are in subtract land that might help! I have two autoimmune diseases compliments of the government! Our muscles deteriorating deteriorating. My bones are deteriorating fast. My blood veins hurt constantly! I can't tell you the list. It's major long of all the complications I've added since I got those poisonous, lying government, Not fully informed by Pfizer nor moderna they both lied! killing murdererous shots! Yes I regret it! I was a grandmother that was trying to follow my children's demands so I could hold my grandchild. Those children no longer talk with me or let me see my granddaughters but I did the stupidest thing I could have ever done well. No I did another stupid thing in college that I regret to this day! But God is merciful and he is helping many get well! So many have died already. It's sad to see! And this was America's fault that other countries got these shots too! So I hope the other countries Sue the hell out of America! America get ready. We're about to go broke when other countries wake up and realize we did this to them! I pray for God's mercy over America over her guilt of all these deaths!
I’ll save your info to look further into and at some point will put something together in one article, so thanks for the information. It means something coming from you having to live the experience.
Thanks.... Losing contact with people/family etc. is part of a shift in consciousness on the planet - it's a divergence and an evolutionary shift.
If you want to know more about it, I've addressed it in the 70+ articles I've posted, which deliver powerful new insights and evidence about life today.
As for healing, the key is detox and the physics of consciousness/state of being, if you're interested, here's some insight.
It's worth taking note that what's playing out for each of us is not an accident or bad luck. it's important and challenging.
And you can attribute it to God or expansion of consciousness or evolution or all of the above. And the MC link below is about
tangible innate consciousness of the body connecting to the mind, which few have ever learned about - You will feel it; it's not woo woo.
Very thought provoking, I will need to take my time to absorb the information provided, there is so much and I'm certainly no academic.
In regards to seasonal colds and Flu's, couldn't contaminants rise higher due to hotter weather as in hot air rises during summer months and lowering in the winter months due to cold air.
Professor Ted Steele talks about cosmic in falls as in contaminants from space entering earths atmosphere and then getting caught up in jet streams traveling around he globe which would then rise and fall due to air temperature I suspect.
Just a thought, my mind is certainly open to many more possibilities these days.
Yes, seasonal changes and temperature fluctuations could affect how contaminants disperse or concentrate in different regions, and depending on the toxin could trigger cellular detox.
Thank you for your comprehensive, well researched subject/topic. Most appreciated.
I thought I had thoroughly researched the causes of Polio, caused by DDT poisoning as well as toxic/poisonous Polio Jabs. It was noted across many countries that finally banned DDT that Polio outbreaks subsided.
Humans bodily and mental functions are so synchronised to earth, solar and galaxy activities; yet this has never been taught in schools.
I agree. EMF triggers the detox process when we've been exposed to toxins like DDT and vaccines. We also accumulate toxins from living in a polluted world with toxin-producing industries. Seasonal EMF shifts and new EMF technologies directly affect our biology - cells/DNA - which must recalibrate to these changes and shifts in angular momentum. This is why people who were boosted 'caught' a new flu; it was their body attempting to detox from toxic boosters, while the rollout of 5G introduced a new environmental EMF that amplified the problem."As I recall, the spread pattern of COV-2 followed that of 5G.
This is very interesting and very well researched. As a 57-yo Biochemical Engineer myself, I was having a hard time wrapping my head around the “no virus” theory, but the exosomes hypothesis makes so much sense. Still having a hard time wrapping my head around the no virus theory for other illnesses, such as chickenpox and herpes simplex, for example, as I witnessed direct contagion by sharing of water glass from one of my sons to the other in the case of chickenpox, and of herpes simplex causing “cold sores” to my son from his grandmother by a kiss. If this were caused by exosomes and EMF shifts, wouldn’t all family members have contracted the disease? They have such distinct symptoms that it is hard to confuse them with other illnesses. Has your research pointed to disproving the virus theory in these specific cases? Honest questions here.
Thank you. That is a really extensive and I think comprehensive treatment of the subject, excellent job and well done.
Thanks, It’s great to see more people opening up to new perspectives/paradigms. It’s hard to let go of the “safe”, established definitions in/of reality, but it’s happening across the board now.
Thank you, for this information.
Hearing Dr Mike Yeadon talk re virus & germ is opening my mind to other combined effects on the body. Idk re denouncing germs & virus, but are we conditioned that this is the biology? I do not have a science background so I really do not know.
I am open to listening to these different viewpoints. But injecting or being exposed to chemicals & then adding other (5G, etc),it seems plausible they could amplify the body’s state of discontent or dis-ease.
You mention Dr. Luc Montagnier, known for his work on HIV, but you don’t deny contagion, right? In other words, those who use dirty HIV needles or have sex with someone carrying HIV/Aids,syphilis, etc can transfer something that creates body ills, right?
Bacteria undeniably exist, but no isolated virus has been found, as mainstream medicine suggests. Dr. Luc Montagnier, Nobel laureate for his work on HIV, proposed that the body’s immune system may react to environmental stressors by expelling toxins through a natural detox process, leading to symptoms that resemble a "viral infection." If terrain theory is correct, as Dr. Cowan argues, diseases like AIDS, herpes, and COVID-19 could be the body’s response to toxins or stress, rather than caused by viruses. Instead of viral contagion, these conditions represent detoxification processes triggered by environmental factors like chemicals, EMF, or vaccines. Dr Mike Yeadon happened to read this one and gave it a like, so it fits with your sources.
Here's some insight on HIV specifically:
My head is spinning:). So one could say that maybe some of those propagating the term virus do so to deflect from what is really causing bod ills?
If Montagnier accepted no virus, he did not deny that one could give diseases to another via needles or sex, tho, correct? Contagions exist, no?
Listening a wee bit now with Daniel Roytas via Dr Cowan & I’m not sure re his assessment of parasites. By people more learned than me, parasites have been shown to be very destructive, creating biolfilm, substances that create a plaque-like sustance restricting bloodflow which can create a whole lot of body issues.
I worry too, that when we attach words like detox or stress or inflammatory response—all real - that these words can dilute the conversation of malfeasance. As in blame the patient for whatever “autoimmune” rather than the contaminants chemically induced, bioweapon, what-have-u that are destroying bodies.
I am going to watch more of Dr Cowan (wasn’t he involved with Lyme patients at one time?). Thanks for taking the time. One more bunny hole to go down! :)
Yes, there’s a lot of misdirection aimed at promoting big pharma’s virus hypothesis, driven by big money. In my view, bacteria, environmental toxins, and EMF are the true sources of disease, while lack of sunlight and exercise weaken the immune system. Ultimately, I align with Dr. Tom Cowan's research and insights on these topics.
Humans have been evolving for a long time and are naturally resilient, but we weaken ourselves when we poison our bodies. While we can be exposed to toxins, radiation, and bacteria through ingestion or injection, the concept of humans spreading viruses or diseases seems to be more about fear-driven propaganda for profit and control, in my view. In short, what is often labeled as viral-induced diseases likely have other causes.
I don't fear "catching" a disease from others, though I'm not a medical expert. Instead, I trust my intuition, follow alternative scientific perspectives, and recognize how the big pharmaceutical industry operates, often keeping people sick for profit from cradle to grave.
Here's a bit more insight...
Vaccines Cause Autoimmune Diseases
Big Pharma -> Autoimmune Profits
Thank you for the links. Yes, I do know the horrors of vax! You do an excellent job of very clear & detailed writing. I will read & share your links:)
Just in case you're out there and you're suffering because you did get the mnra shot or the Pfizer shot, please look into Dr. Yearden research on nicotine! And on low dose naltrexone. I have been suffering for 2 years and I think I'm getting a little better using these interesting"" natural"" inexpensive big pharma medication. The LDN is much cheaper than the vaccine that's supposed to help people that got the vaccine which is totally stupidity! I will not trust big pharma to give me an answer at this point! I have been gaslighted by the 14 doctors than the last 2 years! Vitamin C vitamin E. Vitamin D3, zinc and amino acids , ivermectin, hydrochloroquine, I'm sure there's other things out they are in subtract land that might help! I have two autoimmune diseases compliments of the government! Our muscles deteriorating deteriorating. My bones are deteriorating fast. My blood veins hurt constantly! I can't tell you the list. It's major long of all the complications I've added since I got those poisonous, lying government, Not fully informed by Pfizer nor moderna they both lied! killing murdererous shots! Yes I regret it! I was a grandmother that was trying to follow my children's demands so I could hold my grandchild. Those children no longer talk with me or let me see my granddaughters but I did the stupidest thing I could have ever done well. No I did another stupid thing in college that I regret to this day! But God is merciful and he is helping many get well! So many have died already. It's sad to see! And this was America's fault that other countries got these shots too! So I hope the other countries Sue the hell out of America! America get ready. We're about to go broke when other countries wake up and realize we did this to them! I pray for God's mercy over America over her guilt of all these deaths!
I’ll save your info to look further into and at some point will put something together in one article, so thanks for the information. It means something coming from you having to live the experience.
Thank you! 🦋
Thanks.... Losing contact with people/family etc. is part of a shift in consciousness on the planet - it's a divergence and an evolutionary shift.
If you want to know more about it, I've addressed it in the 70+ articles I've posted, which deliver powerful new insights and evidence about life today.
As for healing, the key is detox and the physics of consciousness/state of being, if you're interested, here's some insight.
It's worth taking note that what's playing out for each of us is not an accident or bad luck. it's important and challenging.
And you can attribute it to God or expansion of consciousness or evolution or all of the above. And the MC link below is about
tangible innate consciousness of the body connecting to the mind, which few have ever learned about - You will feel it; it's not woo woo.
MC: and this page
Thank you for all this info. I am looking into it now! 🦋