Climate change aka "funnel the remainder of our wealth, property, and freedom to the .01% so that they may lock us down into 15 minute concentration camp prison cities eating bugs with intermittent water & electricity while they feast on Kobe steak guzzling Screaming Eagle Cabernet with the world as their playground now that us useless eaters are finally out of their sight".
Thanks for another great article TALKNet
Discredit and imprison the $cientists and climate change disappears. When money $peaks the truth is silent:
Scientists Are As Cheap to Buy As Politicians - Oysters Thrive in Crude Oil Spills, 1950 Era Study: [3:48mins]
Climate Con Man John Kerry Humiliated for His Lies—1.6 Quadrillion Needs Stealing: [1:54mins]
Climate Change Con: NBC Report from 1983 Predicts 'Catastrophic Warming of the Earth' by the 1990s: [12seconds]
My Gift to Climate Alarmist After 50 Years of Coerced & Unrestrained Astronomically Blatant Fraud: [12:51mins]
Harsh Excerpts from Thomas Massie's Interview With Hypocrite John Kerry on the Climate Change Con: [51seconds]
Climate change aka "funnel the remainder of our wealth, property, and freedom to the .01% so that they may lock us down into 15 minute concentration camp prison cities eating bugs with intermittent water & electricity while they feast on Kobe steak guzzling Screaming Eagle Cabernet with the world as their playground now that us useless eaters are finally out of their sight".