If the CDC/FDA refuse to look for a connection none will be found. Funny how 1 woman with liver disease takes a supplement and dies the CDC/FDA blames the supplement. But can never find the connection with correlation due to vaccines.

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No connections allowed, but that business model is destined for a perfect storm that I suspect begins this year.

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Wow. I had suspected around one billion but this seems to fall more in line with the Agenda and Deagel's figures. If AI really is posed to eliminate numerous jobs, then this can be hidden even more...

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Yes, AI could fill in some gaps for sure. I hadn’t given it much thought, and Deagel sits there like another stage to come… maybe a weakened immunity backlash, and/or a combo of natural/man-made disasters. If vaxx-related, Deagel numbers indicate different levels of poison distributed to diff countries. Crazy how this is playing out, with so many people still in the dark.

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I saw eggs at seven dollars yesterday in the store. I haven’t heard a thing about the bird flu and I scroll through Substack at least a little bit every day. How many lives will be lost due to the coming round of food inflation, especially on families with children? You haven’t even considered the coming conflicts and sudden rise in increase of bureaucrats inability to respond to the emergencies sprouting up all around. Few people would make the argument that any of this is going to subside. Much more dire predictions for population decline have been made. I have a feeling they are going to be correct.

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The article is based on known stats.

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