It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Because one filed chapter 11 which means they can reorganize and the other filed chapter 7 and have to liquidate and pay debts with it. I admit it is surely seems like a sign of breakdown. Yet I also feel that nothing is as it appears and I do not know the Divine plan. This is a watch as an observer for me. Very interesting. Thanks for the post and links.

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Hopefully they are overextended and over-committed and we'll see a fast downward spiral. I was surprised to see this suddenly on the radar, even though it's been in the works for awhile. It's hopefully a positive timeline shift, but still wait and see.

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Investments are the backbone to a lot of peoples old age finances. I am certainly one of them. Living off of social security and a pension. This bankruptcy info is searchable on mainstream search engines. I pray this does not create fear amongst the masses.

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I wrote a response that turned into an update so I'll post it now....

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