Jun 23Liked by TALKnet

The very reason why there is religion is because so many need a path / faith.

The enemy created so many religions so as to maintain confusion & division thus negating a collective benefit whilst mankind argues & kills over the differences.

To me, most are still within the dark ages, they simply believe that all of their technology has made them rise through & above the dark ages when in fact it is just providing illusion, confusion & a distraction from reality.

Is there really much difference between when the ancient masters were attempting to bring awareness to those of their time & the spiritually aware people of today trying to do the same, as the only real difference is time itself which in actuality does not exist outside of the false matrix.

I just find it unbelievable that so few can see reality when it is so obviously all around us.

I am so grateful that we are aware & free of that confusion (whilst still learning & getting confused in other matters everyday).

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Jun 23·edited Jun 25Author

I look at it from the perspective that as I change, my reality reflects that change, so unless they are on an awakening path, they stay tucked away in their chosen paradigm. Considering how long it took and how much it took to wake up, if they were not already on an awakening path then what I might say to them won't expand their perspective, except maybe plant a seed to make it easier to recognize life's signs and catalysts of awakening along the way of their own path.

It took me half a lifetime of feeling different; living on the outside of the mainstream; on/off ET/paranormal encounters; relentless life challenges; receiving intuitive messages, becoming aware of different timelines, and facing all of the fears along the way to vibe up enough to see the bigger picture of this divergence.

Those who are sleeping are not done learning in fear (dark ages). They are selectively blind to the bigger picture, so it won't interfere with their chosen path of exploration and learning.

I suppose the awakened people had lifetimes where they skipped graduation to continue to expand consciousness within a paradigm that others were graduating from, although this experience feels more like I'm on the job, like a volunteer to earth; too tired to care now though. I just want to wrap it up and get outta here. It feels like I belong in a very different reality (far into the future). I think a lot of us feel that way, because we become so detached from this reality as we expand consciousness/wake up.

There is probably not much difference between the masters of the past and the awakened of today, with regard to helping people wake up to see beyond the illusions of fear, but they had a very high frequency of consciousness which would have really triggered people into extreme states of hate and anger or love and health.

I'm grateful too that I'm awake. It helps put the challenges into perspective. The collective frequency supports those of that frequency, so the low frequency people were supported and justified in their dark-age ways, while higher frequency people struggled because they were not a frequency match for the dark ages, but that is finally changing and we are slightly past the tipping point (maybe 51%) so that the collective frequency is now less supportive of low vibe and more supportive of high vibe. The tables are turning, truth is being exposed, and we are all diverging into our new spectrum/frequency of timelines.

At this stage, my focus is inner harmony and healing and that's about it, considering that's what really changes reality/timelines and makes the most of this evolutionary transition.

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Jun 23Liked by TALKnet

Yes, all possibility & probability is there within the universal consciousness for the taking.

It is there for or against us depending on the intentions of those who can tap into it.

It is also there for or against us depending on our intentions, willingness & strength of faith to allow the intentions of others to affect us.

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Very true. It's an interesting paradigm shift to realize that what other people choose to create for themselves doesn't have to impact our lives. It's a good time to rise above the global polarity and fear it creates, to focus on inner harmony, desire and intent (faith) to create the path we prefer to explore. There is no room for doubt on a path of self mastery.

It's funny how the awakening, inner harmony and the physics of consciousness boil down to having faith. What a long path of exploration to really understand (to know) the power of faith and what a hard insight it must have been for the masters to teach people to trust the unknown in the dark ages of humanity, when they were up against the ego, which lives in doubt and survival mentality. It must have been like speaking to a brick wall... I guess a few miracles were needed to break through the old paradigm.

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Living deep within the unified field and not even knowing it. Priceless!

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