Crossroads of Awakening into Aquarius
From 2025 to 2030, we can expect a significant transformation
The Age of Aquarius is often described as a period of profound spiritual and collective awakening, characterized by a shift in humanity's consciousness towards a more unified and expansive state. Ancient teachings and prophecies delineate this transition as a divergence in awareness, where two distinct paths or realities begin to emerge. Myself and many others are experiencing this transition, some before us and more to come…. It’s tangible, powerful and multidimensional. It’s Dark Night of the Soul, where most or all relationships to everything are stripped away and it’s a complete change from within that results in a new without/reality - as within, so without.
From 2025 to 2030, we can expect a significant transformation as humanity approaches the culmination of its transition into the Age of Aquarius. Ancient prophecies rooted in the wisdom of the Mayan, Hopi, and Buddhist traditions, foretell an era of heightened spiritual awakening, as more individuals move away from fear, materialism/ego, embracing unity/love and higher consciousness. During this critical period, the divergence in paths will become increasingly apparent. Some will embrace spiritual/consciousness evolution and coherence, while others remain entrenched in fear/control/separation. Everyone is stepping into their inner truth, as the outside world gets too complicated to manage, which delivers a sovereign outcome for each of us. Everyone gets what they want, but in hindsight not everyone will want what they get.
The ancients warned of this critical choice. The Hopi and Mayan prophecies highlight the stark contrast between two paths: one leading to peace/unity and spiritual awakening, and the other to fear/separation and destruction. Texts like the Gospel of Thomas and teachings from Buddhism and Taoism emphasize the importance of internal awakening, where individuals reconnect with their true nature and break free from the cycle of suffering. Wisdom traditions, ranging from Kabbalah and Sufism to Native American teachings, speak of a spiritual evolution where some will embrace divine wisdom, while others cling to ignorance and division.
As humanity approaches 2030, we find ourselves at a pivotal crossroads. We have the opportunity to rise above fear and embrace higher awareness, or remain anchored in outdated paradigms. The paths before us, spiritual/consciousness awakening, unity and alignment with the flow, versus materialism/ego-/resistance, define our path in these crucial years.
Gregg Braden shares timely and important insights about the current state of our society and the emerging battle between good and evil. He highlights that we are witnessing the rise of two distinct societies: one that fully embraces technological integration and compliance, and another that values the preservation of our natural humanness and divinity.
Braden emphasizes the urgency of the year 2030, which is shaping up to be a pivotal moment in our collective journey. Global agendas spearheaded by organizations like the United Nations and the World Economic Forum are driving significant changes that could lead to societal fragmentation and potential civil unrest.
Central to Braden's message is a clear definition of evil: anything that denies our divinity or our ability to heal, love, forgive, and innovate. He warned against the dangers of allowing technology to dictate our biology, as this trend threatens to strip away the essential human qualities we hold dear, such as empathy and compassion.
Instead of succumbing to fear/divisive narratives, we should focus on nurturing our communities and building inner strength. Living in alignment with our divine essence, through love, forgiveness, and creative expression, is crucial in overcoming the darker influences that threaten our collective existence.